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Santa Keeps Dragging Us Up

It’s not fast at this point in time, but each day is providing modest gains for income investors.

Looking today our accounts are up about .1-.2% – not much but always better than red.

Little Bridgewater Bancorp 5.875% perpetual preferred (BWBBP) has been impressive (I’m talking my book here) in the last 6 weeks with stellar gains. No reason to think it can’t remain flat or go just a bit higher.

I am looking at a number of the small bank preferreds–more for ‘flips’ than anything else. I think there are some that are good for a buck or two in capital gains–some of them remain in the lower part of their trading ranges.

You can scout them out by current yield on the ‘bank and insurance company preferred’ page. The page will come up with an alphabetized list – just click ‘current yield’ on the top of the spreadsheet to sort by yield.

8 thoughts on “Santa Keeps Dragging Us Up”

  1. Wow, BWBBP jumped $2.10 close to the end of day. I have continued to my original position

  2. Spoke too soon Tim,
    This week and next and maybe the week after New Year will be traders on vacation and short a couple trading days with the holidays. I expect small groups of investors to make the market with lower volume have more volatile moves.
    Market changed direction, see what happens in last 1/2 hour
    Pretty sure without looking my bid on the MFICL has filled.
    Been slow at work last week and this.

    1. MFICL has been ricocheting all over the place today. As low as 25.06 and as high as 25.29.

    2. Charles–The kiss of death I guess–had to come sooner or later. The chart is ugly!!

    3. Significant drop in Market as day ends. But got lucky with CCLD up 25% reducing some of the losses. Sold for now.

  3. BWBBP shot up over the 200 day moving average. If it holds that $17.70 region, you can still hold it to trade bullishly. Going below the 200 day opens the door for the next line of support at $17.

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