Common Stock Chat

This page is set up for those that want to chat about various common stocks.

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724 thoughts on “Common Stock Chat”

  1. I own a tiny bit of SVOL, the Simplify Volatility Premium etf. It’s been paying 30 cents/mo. for a CY of 16% and must be very leveraged. It seems to trade the opposite of VIX. I assume a downward bias.

    The play I’m looking for is when VIX spikes and SVOL crashes. Presumably, SVOL will recover as VIX settles down. In the meantime. my adjusted basis is falling fast thanks to the high yield.

  2. FORD, Despite the obvious, any thoughts on the free fall to a level of interest ? ? Seems to have some stability in the Thurs pre close in the $11.12 ~ $11.15 area. TIA

    1. Jim, I have bought and sold Ford a bunch over the last several decades. I’d be looking at this move as an opportunity to get back in. Short of usable cash at the moment but it’s being watched. Message board commenters on multiple sites (SA, Yahoo, Reddit, you name it) hate this company but its right up there in my top 3 in terms of stocks where I was able to make the most money. I will most likely ignore the noise again.

        1. Atta Boy …. Thursday close @$11.16 ….. Friday $11.19
          At these levels, it should do well over the coming weeks.
          I am ahead of you at $11.01 !!!!!!
          Thanks for comments on Thursday.

  3. Picked up some PKE (Park Aerospace) this morning. This is definitely in the long term hold category. May be a couple years too early on this but have watched this come down from $16 and decided to wait no longer.

    1. That’s an interesting company for sure. Why do you think you are early? Expecting the price to continue to drop I assume?

      1. New, from what I understand growth trajectory slated for a couple yrs out still. Aircraft engine business not for the faint hearted for sure but Park seems to be one of the best. No debt, tons of cash. Well run conservative business that pays a decent dividend to wait it out. I don’t really expect it to fall from here but have my mind set on buying more at $11 if it were to drop.

  4. Did a little shuffling of tech stocks yesterday and a small reduction. So far good move in one day. Sure don’t know what will happen going forward but a least I don’t feel bad about the changes I made for one day. Reduced my MU holdings and increased TSM, Need to watch very carefully going forward. Overall nice gains for the year but losses since beginning of June. If MU doesn’t stabilize soon, will have to sell all MU. Zacks has it as a strong buy. Don’t know if that is worth anything.

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