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Wow–Power to the People–or At Least to Commenters (corrected)

There is definitely power in the commenters on this site.

Sometime back in early December–maybe 12/4–someone (sorry I can’t find the comment so not sure who it was) mentioned that the 7.10% CHS Reset Rate perpetual preferred (CHSCN) was tumbling hard the last few days.

Probably by pure accident I took a look–since I scan hundreds of comments each day I don’t have time to check everything out–but I did on the 5th. Shares had traded as high as $28.28 and now had tumbled down to around $26.70.

CHS has always been a favorite of mine–for no particular reason–maybe just because they are local to me. Being that the company had an ex-dividend date coming up (12/16) for 44 cents I took a modest position (wish it was more) at $26.76.

Shares went ex on 12/16 and shares were ‘marked down’ by the dividend amount–but it never actually traded at that level (as far as I can tell).

Shares had closed at $27.13 on the 13th (Friday) and closed on ex-date (Monday) at $27.04. It closed at $27.25 yesterday–and now trading at $27.12 (corrected these prices from earlier incorrect prices).

I am exiting today–not because there is anything wrong in holding further, but more so because the account it is in holds almost no cash at the moment–and I need some dry powder.

14 days–3% gain.


Holders of Eagle Point Credit Term Preferred Get a Call

Late today CLO holder Eagle Point Credit Company (ECC) announced the full redemption of the Series A 7.75% Term Preferred (ECCA) issue.

This should really come as no surprise as the company had redeemed 900,000 shares back in May.

The issue closed today at $25.95. With the redemption date being 1/31/2020 holders will receive 2 dividends yet (it is a monthly payer) of around 16 cents (32 cents in total). So holders today will see a capital loss of around 63 cents.

Thanks to Affinity4Investing for being right on top of this call notice.

Interest Rates Creep Higher and Higher

Only 3 months ago we had the 10 year treasury touching in the high 1.40%’s.

Today we see the 10 year treasury trading at 1.93%–a full 4/10th’s of 1 percent higher.

In general, we have not seen substantial damage to preferred stock and baby bond pricing. Sure we see some of the high quality very low coupon issues having trouble with ‘traction’ in moving higher, but the evidence shows that interest rates are having very little affect on pricing–so far.

Only today mSquare wrote on the new “Flipping and Dividend Capture” page that he/she bought the new AT&T 5% perpetual preferred for $24.9x on the OTC Grey market and just sold it on the NYSE for $25.6x. This shows that there has been hunger yet for ‘yield’ –even low yield.

Today Newman mentioned that he/she was getting a bit concerned with the 10 year treasury moving higher.

As income investors we all need to be concerned with higher rates, BUT one can not ‘run for the hills’ because there is no one that can predict what rates will do tomorrow and we all need some sort of income stream–it has almost always been true that money buried in the back yard earns little interest.

As the old commercial on the television used to say “speed kills” (of course talking about driving), but we know that interest rate movements can be fairly well tolerated if the movement is slow–2,3 or 4 basis points up one day and down 1 or 2 basis points the next. The move from 1.4x% to 1.93% took 90 days or so–and this move has been well tolerated.

At this point in time if we see a 1/8% spike higher 2 days in a row–that would be a bigger concern. The low coupon issues will act very badly if we get these kind of moves. Additionally the low coupon issues will act poorly even if we get slow moving higher rates–month after month after month.

Lastly we can never predict some major moves. A few years ago the markets threw a ‘taper tantrum’ simply because the FED suggested a reduction in quantatative easing. The 10 year treasury rose near 1/2% in 2 weeks–simply based on a ‘suggestion’ of a tapering that never happened.

So in summary I would encourage investors to do what makes them feel comfortable. If rates do pop and you lay awake nights – make some sales–store some dry powder–or if you fear the future–next week or next month–sell a little and hold the cash until you mentally feel better. I have made a few sales recently and am in no hurry to reinvest–more because I am hoping for some better pricing ahead. In my 15 years of purely preferred stock and baby bond investing every big sell off has resulted in the opportunity to buy good issues at low prices–so keep a little dry powder.

Axis Capital Formally Calls Preferred–Corrected

Some of our readers caught the ‘formal’ call of the AXIS Capital (AXS) 5.50% perpetual preferred (AXS-D) which was released yesterday. The issue will be redeemed on 1/17/2020.

I had owned a full position in this issue for a portion of this year as it was trading around $25 plus accrued dividends so I anticipated it being called at some point in time, but took advantage of the reduced volatility and issue like this provides to garner a safe 5.50% dividend for a few quarters.

The company had sold a $1000 subordinated note earlier this month and stated the intent to call the AXS-D issue. Investors need to remember that such disclosure in a filing for a new issue isn’t a formal call–that will be done separately with all the details of the call.

In this case after the subordinated notes were sold we put in a limit order to sell our position at a price that I guessed would be about the final realization of value based on a guesstimate of call date. I sold 60% of the holding, but will be carrying the last 40% into the official redemption date of 1/10/2020 when I will receive $25.176/share.

Corrected below

This issue has now stopped trading under the original ticker and is trading under AXS.PR. D.CL (or some such symbol depending on the broker). Currently quoted at 25.13 bid and 25.15 ask.

The call notice press release is here.

Discussion Page Added for Flipping and Dividend Capture

Someone suggested I set up a page for “flipping” and “dividend capture” ideas–so why not?

So I have dedicated a page where we can exchange some ideas on these shorter term techniques that we all hope will add a few hundreds–to maybe a few thousand dollars a month to our portfolios.

The page is here—and I have added a tab to the right column menu for the page.