As noted ast night Athene Holding LTD (ATH) has priced their new issue of preferred stock. The coupon is 4.875%
The issue is non-cumulative, qualified and low investment grade.
The issue trades immediately under OTC grey market ticker ATHDF.

The pricing term sheet can be found here.
I bought 200 shares of ATHDF today, but Schwab shows the holding as a bond, categorized it under a bond, and gave it a value of zero.
Am now waiting on the phone for explanation from their customer service.
Anyone else have this problem?
Update: They say its a feed problem, and should be cleared up in a day or so. Hope that’s the case.
Did they fix your account? Mine is still showing like it’s a bond.
Still showing ATHDF as a Bond. But the price quote & market value seems to be correct.
I guess there was a CUSIP change for the issue. My account looks good now.
Also, I don’t think Fidelity is adding in the $50 fee anymore. Perhaps that might’ve been related to the CUSIP change.
Inspy, I am seeing the same issue in an E*Trade account. Are you still seeing a zero value for your position?
TDAmeritrade is reporting that it’s now trading under its permanent symbol, ATH-D. Correspondingly, I can find a quote for ATH.PR.D on MarketWatch as expected. Apparently E* hasn’t caught up yet…
Schwab is now reporting it under its symbol ATH.PRD. And the price quote is correct.
I’m sure E*Trade will catch up with the other brokerage houses in due time.
ATH A, B, and C don’t have any such charges. Hopefully they go away for you thru that platform
I fought with Schwab to get the symbol set up this morning. Should be working now. No commission.
I bought a full position.
i bought a small amount at ameritrade
just the normal 5 dollar charge for using the otc grey market symbol
Does ATH issue 1099’s? Just want to be sure. Thanks.
There’s a $50 trading fee on this at Fidelity.
This is for each trade! So if buying buy in a single trade rather than legging-in with multiple orders.
They call it ‘Estimated Foreign Settlement Fee’ – Highway robbery to charge for each trade rather than whole day worth of trades…
Bought some on TOS and they charge a more reasonable $6.95 commission as OTC
I didn’t get charged a fee at Fidelity.
There’s no trading fee, but a $50 “Foreign Settlement Fee.”
Did anyone manage to call them and get this fee waived fully or even partially? Especially if charged multiple $50 for multiple trades on same day?
Should not be paying a foreign fee. This is going to be a NYSE listed issue. It should not have been branded a foreign issue by OTC.