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16 thoughts on “Arbor Realty Trust Pricing Detail”

  1. Does anyone know if Arbor paid their preferred dividends during the banking crisis? I do know they suspended the dividend on the common.

  2. At 7:40am PT, OTC Markets says,

    “Warning! This security is traded on the Expert Market

    The Expert MarketSM serves broker-dealer pricing and investor best execution needs. Quotations in Expert Market securities are restricted from public viewing. OTC Markets Group may designate securities for quoting on the Expert Market when it is not able to confirm that the company is making current information publicly available under SEC Rule 15c2-11, or when the security is otherwise restricted from public quoting. “

        1. 2WR–BS will pass the system–but some full spelling ‘cuss words’ won’t get through.

      1. TD broker, “closing transactions only.”
        Me, “Uhhh, there haven’t been ANY OPENING transactions”
        Looks like we are leaning into a control-market?

        1. Joe–haha–I think we are being bent over–maybe the big folks complained we were getting all the good pricing.

    1. “Delinquent SEC Reporting” – but not Pink
      The other two ABR’s are fine, must be they missed something on the new one?
      Hope so.

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