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US Bancorp 3.75% Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series L

Xoma Corporation 8.625% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock

Redemption on 12/15/2021 is at a premium of $1/shares–making redemption $26 plus accrued dividends.On and after 12/15/2022 redemption is at $25,75 plus accrued dividends. On and after 12/15/2023 redemption is at $25.50 plus accrued dividends. On and after 12/15/2024 redemption is at $25.25 plus accrued dividends. On and after 12/15/2025 redemption is at $25 plus accrued dividends.

Signature Bank 5.00% Non Cumulative Perpetual, Series A Preferred Stock

Signature was seized by the FDIC 3/2023

The bank is regulated by the FDIC and as such there are no SEC filings. The links below direct to the company website where filings may be found

Fortress Biotech 9.375% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock

Dividend Suspended 7/5/2024

Follow on offerings have been made numerous times since the original issuance at prices ranging from $18/share to $25/share. As of 9/30/2020 there were 3.427 million shares outstanding

Dividends were originally paid quarterly but in June, 2020 dividend payments were changed to monthly

Selective Insurance Group 4.60% Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series B