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Sandbox Page

I will be adding a new link titled “Sandbox” in the right hand menu.

That link will get you to this page.

I had originally set up the “Reader Initiated Alert” page for ‘alerts’. I was thinking this, for instance, might be when a preferred stock is undergoing a temporary selloff and someone wants to let the population know about it quickly. Of course we all (including me) use the ‘alert’ page for general messaging.

I am requesting that we start using the Sandbox page for all general talk, and try to preserve the ‘alerts’ page for ‘alerts’.

I have had a screen up on one of my monitors all week where I see all comments – no matter where they are posted–it is a great page and I wish everyone had a page like that–believe me we all benefit from all the knowledge being shared. I don’t want to stifle any of the exchange of knowledge, but hope to get things a bit better organized by adding the Sandbox page.

2,091 thoughts on “Sandbox Page”

  1. I don’t think it belongs in either.. how about the corner coffee shop? ..just my thoughts

    1. What in the world……..? 29% contingent dividend? What could go wrong? Ponzi is probably not the right term, but SCHEME seems to fit. I can’t even wrap my head around this. Is this type of offering common?

      Since it doesn’t seem like it will be publicly traded, I wonder if there will be a way to follow its performance.

      Out of curiosity, is anyone here interested in something like this?

      And if so, can someone explain it? I can’t even figure out what they are using the proceeds for. Buying derivatives? In what? Can they really be able and adept enough to make a 30% + return?

  2. Not sure if this belongs here or over on the Litter box. Compass (COMP) is in advanced talks to buy Berkshire Hathaway’s residential brokerage business.
    BK continues to raise cash. This doesn’t reflect confidence in the housing market or any other investments related to housing, just my thoughts.

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