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1,240 thoughts on “READER INITIATED ALERTS”

  1. Bank stocks
    JPM -4.0%
    KBE -3.7%
    KRE -3.5%

    Looking at SPX doesn’t tell you what’s going on under the hood.

  2. When I first mentioned DOW (November ?) it was around 45 and the yield was ~6%. My deep target was 34, which I recently expanded to 32-34. DOW closed at 35.62 today, upping the yield to 7.9% (assuming steady 70 cents dividend).

    The target is in sight. What happens next? Will the dividend hold?

    XLI not looking too good.

  3. KKR -9.2% today and 29% off the Jan. all-time high. Some others down today with the same stats:
    BX -4.9%, -25%
    APO -4.6%, -27%
    ARES -5.2%, -20%
    OWL -5.0%, -26%
    BAM -5.3%, -16%

    BIP and BN also sharply down.

  4. 4:12 EST: March 4 (Reuters) – Flagstar Financial Inc:


    Oh boy….

      1. Hmmm– 10K is dated 2/28/25 or 12/31 – not sure what they missed. Nothing burger…or?

  5. China raised tariffs by 10% on soybeans, pork, beef, and fruits starting March 10th, and 15% tariffs on chicken, wheat, corn and cotton in line with yesterday’s press reports of agricultural goods being Chinese tariff targets. 10 American companies involved in defense work have also been put on the entity list.

    Additionally, China’s Customs suspended imports of US lumber effective immediately, and suspended soybean import qualification for three US companies from Tuesday including CHS Inc (CHSCO), Louis Dreyfus Company, EGT (BG).

        1. From the latest 10K – https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1045609/000095017025021272/pld-20241231.htm#noteeight p84: “At December 31, 2024 and 2023 our Series Q preferred stock outstanding had a dividend rate of 8.54% and will be redeemable AT OUR OPTION on or after November 13, 2026. Holders have, subject to certain conditions, limited voting rights and all holders are entitled to receive cumulative preferential dividends based on liquidation preference. The dividends are payable quarterly when, and if, they have been declared by the Board, out of funds legally available for the payment of dividends.”

      1. PLDGP is an old “Grid special.” I wish I could find my notes on it, but I can’t… On the surface, I would think the possiblity of call in Nov is high…. That being said, at today’s rate, based on what’s on QOL, I would say it is not a buy

      2. PLDGP sells now for $55.62 with a possible call at $50 on 11/13/26. That’s a YTC of roughly less than 2%

        1. danzeb –

          “PLDGP sells now for $55.62 with a possible call at $50 on 11/13/26. That’s a YTC of roughly less than 2%”

          Thank you…what in God’s name are folks doing posting ideas to the RIA section that have 2% YTMs?

          I really don’t know what anyone is thinking on buying PLDGP at current prices – the rest of us prefer to make income investments that at least exceed inflation.

          If anyone is hell bent on buying similar overvalued property REIT preferreds with such meager returns, take a look at MAA-I and SPG-J.

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