UPDATE–the OTC grey market ticker is OCCPP
Below are the details of the new OFS Credit (OCCI) term preferred shares.
No OTC grey market ticker has been announced and many times when NASDAQ is the permanent exchange they will skip the OTC grey market and go straight to NASDAQ in a few days. I will watch to see if something is announced.
I will be buying this issue as I like monthly payers and I love term preferred. Certainly the quality of the issue is relatively low so I will keep it on a ‘short leash’ watching the company’s asset coverage ratio. Last I checked the coverage was around 285%.

The pricing term sheet can be read here.
Thought OCCPP @25 was a better buy than TDS-U @27.45
just thoughts
Bought at FIDO @25
Bought @ Schwab @ 25.
25 at E-turd, but they like to add the 4.95 fee for these.
Just bought @ 24.90
Otc came up… OCCPP
Thanks BB14