Master List of Preferred and Baby Bond Ex-Dividend Dates


Below is a link to a “Master Listing” of all ex-dividend dates for all 600-700 issues of Preferred Stocks, Trust Preferreds and Baby Bonds. Additionally it includes a limited number of convertible preferreds.

NOTE–this list is updated continually.  Remember that companies have to “declare” a dividend date before it can be posted here.  From time to time dates are not posted more than 2-3 days or so before the ex-dividend date.

NOTE–suspended dividend issues have been removed.

NOTE–New Issues which have not declared a dividend are listed as “New Issue”

NOTE–a link on the “Pay Date” takes you to the source for the ex-dividend data–typically eTrade.

NOTE–all “pay dates” are directly from the original prospectus and as such they could be off 1/2 days because of weekends and holidays.

This spreadsheet will open and you can make a copy of the sheet if you would desire. NOTE  this spreadsheet is human powered–not automatic so any copy you should make for your own use WILL NOT update (unless you do it)

Click Here to Open the Master List of Ex Dividend Dates.