I want to wish everyone who travels through the website a Happy Thanksgiving. !!
The older I get the more I realize how thankful I am for almost everything in my life.
In particular I am thankful for having relatively good health–its hard to enjoy life if your health is going ‘south’. I am thankful for my wife who is more concerned with my health than I am and sees to it that I don’t do too many foolish activities.
I am thankful for our 5 kids and their families. While we have some of the normal family trials and tribulations for the most part our kids and their families are good, productive members of society and we are proud of them all. The 9 grandchildren, who range in age from 2 months to 21 are all a joy to us and keep us plenty busy with all their activities.
I am thankful to have a roof over my head, food in the pantry and an income that allows us to live relatively comfortably. It hasn’t always been this way so I can appreciate not having to lay awake nights worrying how to pay the mortgage.
And I am really thankful to all our readers and contributors to this website. This website was never intended to be such a big ‘project’, but here we are 18 years later (8 since this site began and 10 before that on “The Yield Hunter’) just trucking right along. These websites would not have survived without the near perfect contributions of all the readers and commenters –the self policing of comments relative to politics.
With the above I am thankful for those that have ‘donated’ to the financial support of the site. While no one will get rich on a donation site, it is really helpful to have contributions which cover the operation of a 6,000 page site. Without the contributions just the normal costs of a large website would be unbearable for someone to withstand. So thanks to those generous folks.
I hope all of you have as many reasons as I do to be thankful–so Happy Thanksgiving!!
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving, hopefully with family and friends. The last few years have been spent at our daughter’s apt. about 2-1/2 hour drive away. I decided against driving home in the dark on a full stomach so we got a hotel room nearby. This year the hotel was next to a new Costco that was having its grand opening. I stopped in and got gas at $3.70 a gallon and was not going to go in as the parking lot was literally full! but at the last minute spotted a space. Turns out my wife’s old store manager was guarding the door. We walked through and everyone was spending money, can’t say the carts were full and overflowing. The economy seems to be moving along, Wonder what the sales have been the last few days?
Happy Thanksgiving to all and Thank You Tim for your great website. A well deserved contribution coming your way today.
Thanks Again!!!
I get this message when I tried to donate as a fyi…
This organization can’t accept donations right now.
Return to triplei201611@gmail.com
Hi Bill–thank you. Let me check out that message.
Happy Thanksgiving Tim and thank you for the site! Technical assistance still available from me if you should so need/desire it.
Is the paypal link on ‘Donation’ page working? I got a ‘This organization can not accept donation’ message, tried both chrome and safari
I have the same issue
FWIW & FYI, I used the Venmo payment option yesterday and it worked. I had to google Tim’s phone number to make it work.
I tried yesterday and today. The same issue.
Happy Thanksgiving to all! This website is something to be thankful for with some turkey and fresh cranberry relish.
Gridbird, I still hope you are reading this site.
Tim and all the rest of us III’ers, thank you all!
Sharing our health journeys inspires me to stay on course.
Tim, you da man, man.
Indeed. I stumbled on this site a few years ago and now check it nearly every day. Lots of good ideas and good smart community to bounce them off.
Thank you Tim for the great advice, and great website!
Thanks you for the great web site.
I’m thankful for Tim’s efforts, all that III does for an investor (like me), and fellow commenters.
I’ve survived two serious threats to my health- one started in 2018 and seems to be at bay, the other Jan-Mar this year, resulted in almost two wks in the hospital, and 6 wks in physical rehab after a weird sepsis / infection resulting in surgery around the spine and my collar bone– who gets that? Me, I guess. But, I’m recovered, and in some ways in better shape than before- mainly due to use of my weight machine, biking, and use of the elliptical. Yes- health can be everything. So, I have a lot to be thankful for (including most of my 80 yrs).
Does that make me the oldest here?
Happy Thanksgiving– wishing you all to be well.
Glad to hear about your recovery. I thought I might be the oldest, but you beat me by two years.
Years ago, I read the results of a study which showed that seniors of all ages could add muscle with exercise, reassuring news given that many people at that time would have assumed otherwise. I know it’s true for me.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone here.
Thanks, young man
Yes it does work– I think it helped to get sufficient protein- have added protein powders- especially on days I do weights, smaller amounts every-other day.
Back to stocks….
Thank you, Tim, and to everyone on this site.
Thanks Tim. I’m very thankful for you, your website, and all of the contributors. Happy holiday season to all!
Thank you for everything you do Tim.
Happy Thanksgiving to all…
I am thankful to you and your efforts to provide useful info and wise commentaries, I wish you good health and to continue in the same spirit, thanks.
Happy Thansgiving To All
This is the time of year to be grateful.
We are all here because we appreciate the quality of the site and the community of like spirits helping each other.
Let’s not forget this all comes from the leadership of one man
He puts in the hours to keep us all informed.
Foots the bill for all the services required to put on the site.
And never asks for a $.
We are dependent on his personal generosity in delivering this site.
How much do you think this site earned for you this year?
Opportunities you bought which prospered…….
Dangers you hadn’t seen and adjusted for…….
Technical questions which were difficult to answer…..
Fellowship and camaraderie…….
Isn’t it appropriate to share some of your benefits to help keep the site in operation?
Today I am making my donation in appreciation for what III has done for me this year.
I urge you to do the same
Hello Tim,
I start my day navigating this site, very informative and appreciate the hard work by you and all the posters.
I want to donate but I am getting the error when doing so via PayPal.
This organization can’t accept donations right now.
Please help.