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UHaul Investors Club to Raise Rates

The Uhaul Investors Club has been raising their rates for the last number of months–but they are always behind. Some of us in the club have been dragging our feet on reinvestment of cash in our accounts–at least I know I have been waiting for a better interest rate.

It is kind of funny that one can get almost 4% in a 2 year Tbill, but Uhaul is only paying 3.70% (the new rate), but they have no problem at all selling everything they offer.

The new rates are here–these are 20 to 30 basis points above the previous rate and should hit their website in the next week

For a number of years when interest rates were near zero my wife and I dedicated ‘new’ money to Uhaul–but have not funded this is a while, but our original money remains in the accounts. In the name of diversification I will kept the money there for now.

The new prospectus is here.

During Covid Amerco (UHAUL) Performs Excellently

The latest 10-K (annual report) is out from Amerco (UHAUL) and the numbers are pretty stellar.

Total revenue was up for the year ending 3/31/2021 by over 14% to $4.541 billion. Earnings were over $600 million — all total the company generated $1.45 billion in net cash, but of course reinvested $900 million back into the company.

The 10 K is here if interested.

I post this because of my personal interest in the UHAUL Investors Club where I have about $40,000 of IRA money. I have invested here for a few years and have only put new money into the account. Returns are meager–3 years ago they were better, but like all income investments coupons on the bonds have fallen in the last couple of years. Current coupons are 1.75% to 3%.

For folks interested in the UHAUL Investors Club I have some info here.

Delving Further Into Uhaul Investors Club–Corrected and Reposted.

RetiredBroker asked a great question earlier about the Uhaul Investors Club collateral and I wanted to get a note out to make sure we are clear on some important details.

The important detail – whether it is a small detail or a larger detail just depends on you the investor-is that the notes that Uhaul (Amerco) sells ARE guaranteed by the parent holding company Amerco (Uhaul)

It is noted that the notes ARE NOT guaranteed by the wholly owned subsidiary Uhaul.

Since Amerco holds 100% of Uhaul I am not certain that the lack of guarantee by subsidiary Uhaul makes any difference as long as the parent backs the notes.

So what you have is the secured property as collateral for the notes–and further backing the collateral is the holding company Amerco guarantee.

So this all means one should review the quarterly and annual reports of Amerco (Uhaul) if you are a holder of any of their notes.

We have a page devoted to the Uhaul Investors Club where we will add our information.

Thanks to RetiredBroker for asking the initial question on this topic thus stimulating a little deeper dive into the details.

Also to others who caught my errors and got things pointed in the right direction–Max and others.