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Public Storage 4.70% Cumulative Preferred Shares, Series J

PS Business Parks 4.875% Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series Z

PS Business Parks acquired by Blackstone on 7/20/2022. Ratings withdrawn

Shares were tendered for at a price of $14.34/share and 9.7 million shares were tendered. Shares to delist 1/13/2023

Balance of shares not tendered now trading on the OTC market

Shares were tendered for (again) at a price of $14.34/share on 3/1/2023).

Ellington Financial Inc. 6.75% Series A Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock

The coupon is fixed at 6.75% until 10/30/2024 at which time it floats at 3 month Libor plus a spread of 5.196%

New York Mortgage Trust Inc 7.875% Series E Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock

Coupon is fixed at 7.875% until 1/15/2025 at which point it begins to float at 3 month Libor plus a spread of 6.429%

Digital Realty Trust 5.20% Series L Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock