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Franchise Group Inc 7.50% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock

The company reopened this issue on 1/12/2021 selling 2.976 million shares with another 446,000 available for over allotment.

Company taken private 8/2023 and preferred shares redeemed

Wesco International 10.625% Fixed Rate Reset Cumulative Preferred Stock

Coupon is fixed until 6/22/2025 after which it is reset every 5 years at the 5 year treasury rate plus a spread of 10.325%. The issue is only redeemable on a reset date–i.e. every 5 years.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment 9.50% Notes Due 2025

Filed for Bankruptcy 7/1/2024

Issue reopened and 375,500 new shares sold

Bunge LTD 4.875% Cumulative Convertible Perpetual Preference Shares

Redeemable only if the price of the commons shares trade at more than 130% of conversion price ($92.20) for 20 tradings days during a 30 day consecutive period

11/1/2020 conversion is now at $81.81

On 321/2022 all shares converted into common shares. The conversion was triggered by the strong share price of the common.

Triton International LTD, 6.875% Series D Cumulative Redee,able Perpetual Prference Shares

Triton International was bought by Brookfield Infrastructure on 9/28/2023. Preferreds remain outstanding.