Dividends Paid by Closed End Fund Preferreds may be qualified or may not be qualified distributions. Investors should check the issuer info closely to see what the current dividend status is at the time of investment
Fund renamed Highland Opportunity and Income Fund
For year 1 (6/13 to 6/14) the coupon will be 6%. During years 2 and 3 (6/14 to 6/16) the coupon will be 3%. After 6/16 the coupon will be be announced by the board of directors for subsequent dividend periods. That rate will be 200 basis points (2%) plus the 10 year treasury. The rate shall not be less than 3% nor more than 5%. The fund will redeem all shares properly “put” to it during the period 30 days prior to 6/26/2015 and 6/26/2018. The redemption is at $50/share plus accrued dividends.
Coupon as of 12/31/2018 is 3.80%
Dividends Paid by Closed End Fund Preferreds may be qualified or may not be qualified distributions. Investors should check the issuer info closely to see what the current dividend status is at the time of investment
For year 1 (11/2018-11/2019) the coupon will be 7%. During the last dividend period of year 1 the coupon will be announced by the board of directors for years 2 and 3. During the last dividend period in year 3 (2021) the board of directors will determine the coupon for the balance of the time this issue remains outstanding. All dividend (coupon) resets will be at least 200 basis points (2%) over the 10 year treasury and the coupon will not be less than 4% nor more than 7%. The fund will redeem all shares properly “put” to it during the 30 days prior to 12/26/2021 and 12/26/2023. The redemption is at $50/share plus accrued dividends.
As of 7/2019 the shares pay 7%, BUT this will be reset in the next 3 months
For 2020 the coupon will be 4%
Effective 9/26/2023 the interest rate is 5.2%. Additionally the company has announced an additional ‘put date’. Investors may put the shares back to the company in the 60 day period prior to 12/26/2024
Dividends Paid by Closed End Fund Preferreds may be qualified or may not be qualified distributions. Investors should check the issuer info closely to see what the current dividend status is at the time of investment
Shares of the Parent are NOT publicly traded–the parent ticker shown is for sorting purposes only.
Most dividends are non qualified with some level of ‘return of capital’
Dividends Paid by Closed End Fund Preferreds may be qualified or may not be qualified distributions. Investors should check the issuer info closely to see what the current dividend status is at the time of investment