Hiding Spots

Below is a table with some securities which I believe are good ‘hiding spots’ – places to invest at a reasonable coupon where share prices should remain fairly stable. This is 3/20/2025–and situations will change constantly.

This is a dynamic list and will change constantly as issues are redeemed or reach their maturity date.

Everyone should understand I do NOT expect any capital gains from the securities on this list–if interest rates fall substantially you will be foregoing any potential capital gains from some perpetual issues.  Simply speaking I own these securities because of the uncertainty (in my mind) of the direction of interest rates at this time (3/20/2025)

I have listed some of the details for the issues–click the ticker for more details or for links to their investors relation page etc.

I would expect these issues to remain stable (plus and minus 10 cents) except some should gain value as they move toward their ex-dividend date–falling back to the $25 area after ‘ex’. 1 issue–the Hennesy Advisors 4.875% issue should be stable and move toward $25 as it gets toward maturity.  The RiverNorth Opportunities Fund (OPP-C) is a $10 issues.

As always this is not a recommendation, but I own most of the issues.  Do your own due dilegence.