I took a nibble–no it was a double nibble on a new ‘hiding spot’ issue yesterday. I bought the Raymond James 6.375% fixed to floating preferred (RJF-B)–as usual I paid a bit more than I wanted to–$25.16–oh well as I see it is better than 4.3%.
The issue was originally issued by TriState Capital which Raymond James acquired 6/2022. This is one of two issues TriState had outstanding and the other which was a 6.75% fixed to floating issue with a more meager spread than the 6.375% issue was called on the 1st available date in 2023.
This issue is a fixed to floating issue that will go to floating on 7/1/2026 at 3 month SOFR (plus the tenor adjustment of .2616%) plus a spread of 4.088%. Not a giant spread, but for an investment grade issue this would be in the neighborhood of 8.4%. This is a more marginal issue relative to a likely call, but at the current yield of 6.3% it should work whether it gets called or not. Additionally this one has about 5 quarters to run before the floating period (clarification–issue became callable on 7/1/2024, but doesn’t start floating until 2026–thank you mbg). Thus there are a few cents of call risk in the issue right now.
While I have been fixated on hiding spot issues the last number of days I am going to shift gears a bit. Are interest rates going lower? I certainly don’t know, but I have some doubts of much lower rates, although when the next recession hits someday we could see rates tumble. When we start getting lower rates we want to be in some securities that are going to provide that 10% capital gain along with the coupon rate. Obviously this is a timing play and we know none of us can always (maybe never) get this call right. But what the heck–I need to look NOW for those potential securities–mostly perpetual preferreds.
So I will likely start to publish some of my best guesses of some choices for that time when we see rates starting to push lower.