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Broker Problems

Starting the day I couldn’t get into Schwab, Fido or eTrade. I am now able to access Fido and eTrade. Schwab remains down which has seemed to be a normal issue since they rolled my TD account into their system.

So I had no intention to buy or sell—so no harm, but it is certainly irritating to have these tech glitches.

8 thoughts on “Broker Problems”

  1. I had no problems with eTrade all day – made 12 different trades starting in the pre-market. Don’t know if it makes a difference but I use the Power ETrade platform.

  2. There were problems reported at numerous brokers* earlier today by a site that monitors web status and performance. (Down Detector) Although problem reports are still higher than usual, they have dropped off sharply. Might be related to higher volume at the sites or might be a problem at a web server provider in the cloud somewhere. Some non-broker sites had similar spikes.

    *Schwab, Fidelity, Vanguard, Ameritrade, E-trade, Robinhood and Interactive.

  3. I have been in on schwab for an hour or so. Streetsmart edge seems fine. Can’t get thinkorswim to work at all (but it was having problems on Friday).

  4. Have had no issues using Merrill Edge. Put in some low bids pre-market to see if I could catch anything. A couple hit. Have added a few more low-bids this morning – mostly adding to things I already own. Will see if any further panic sales occur today.

  5. Fortunately I’ve not had issues with IBKR this morning. I have Fido and E*Trade accounts also but haven’t tried logging in this morning.

    I have mostly preferreds with a little bit of equities. I was down about 1% at the open. It was a little frustrating to see TLT ripping with preferreds under a little bit of pressure. I know it’s not an exact correlation though. Although to be fair there were several days in a row in the last few weeks where I was gaining 1/2% a day.

    It was interesting seeing the uptick rule triggered on so many tickers, even AAPL. Maybe Warren Buffet timed his trimming of AAPL well.

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