The Baby Bond page is the 4th most accessed page on the website–and honestly, the crappiest in performance.
Historically speaking, many of us that have watched these things for a long while, know that just getting a reliable source for baby bond quotes is near impossible–and further getting them to load in a timely fashion is a royal pain in the ass (to be blunt).
For 14 years I have fought this problem and I finally believe I have it solved (maybe famous last words before it breaks again).
Anyway the page had an average load time of 10.8 seconds–really. Who the hell waits around for 10.8 seconds for the page to load? I can tell you 69% of the folks accessing this page don’t wait–what frustration.
As I have ‘clocked’ the page it is now loading in around 2 seconds which is about as fast as any page.
If a few readers could access the page here and let me know in the comments below if the page is fairly fast–or still painfully slow I would appreciate it. Sometimes what I see is not always the same as what you might see and feedback would be helpful.
Thanks for your help.