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All’s Quiet — For Now

Equities are quiet this morning and interest rates are just hanging around 3.81%. Markets are waiting on economic news. This afternoon we have minutes from the July FOMC meeting being released. While we know the outcome of the meeting we don’t know all the thoughts from the various members of the committee–but we will know at 1 p.m. (central time) today. Right now, at this point of time, markets are hanging on every piece of data–will the Fed cut 1/4% or 1/2% in September? Will they cut at all?

Of course markets will still be awaiting the Powell speech at Jackson Hole – always waiting for an excuse to rally or tank and as we know markets are pretty much in the ‘all news is good news’ phase. The only thing that can really tank this market is a black swan or NO interest rate cut.

Yesterday was another do nothing day for me, which honestly is kind of the norm. I have been studying a couple holdings for possible sale—yes sale. The 2 issues I may sell today are really portfolio ‘derisking’ moves. Sometimes facts change–or often times facts arise that were missed or just ignored when I purchased the position. More to come on this-hopefully later today.

Well let’s see if quiet markets continue – one would think they would remain quiet, but we all know we can’t predict movements–nor can anyone.

5 thoughts on “All’s Quiet — For Now”

  1. Good morning Tim, On your Laundry list you have highlighted sales in red, your still showing ESRGO as green. It does make it easier to see the buys and sells when they are different colors.

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