Below we list all $25 preferred stocks—virtually all are perpetual preferreds but we have included term preferreds as well. We have not included trust preferreds.
THIS LIST IS SORTED WITH 52 week lows at the top of the list and they are indicated with a “YES”. Below the 52 week lows issues are simply in alphabetical order.
For our purposes we want to know which preferred issue is weak in price and hitting new 52 week lows—are they bargains or traps?
The list sorts each time you load it—quotes should be 0-15 minutes in age (quote providers say real time–but I never believe them).
If you see one that looks like a potential buy you can click on the ticker and look at the issue chart.
FF Indicates Fixed-to-Floating
FLR indicates Floating Rate
CONV indicates convertible
Link on the Ticker takes you to detail
Lines with shading pay monthly