Below are press releases from companies with preferred stock and baby bonds outstanding. Additionally, news of a more macro economic importance may be posted. Earnings season has essentially ended so news will be slower until we get into mid April when…
Well the durable goods numbers came in super strong today at +.9% versus a forecast of -1%–that’s a giant swing and supports interest rates right where they are as the 10 year treasury is trading at a 4.35% yield which is up a few basis points. Honest…
Below are press releases from companies with preferred stock and baby bonds outstanding. Additionally, news of a more macro economic importance may be posted. Earnings season has essentially ended so news will be slower until we get into mid April when…
I took a nibble–no it was a double nibble on a new ‘hiding spot’ issue yesterday. I bought the Raymond James 6.375% fixed to floating preferred (RJF-B)–as usual I paid a bit more than I wanted to–$25.16–oh well as I see it is better than 4.3%. The…
Below are press releases from companies with preferred stock and baby bonds outstanding. Additionally, news of a more macro economic importance may be posted. Earnings season has essentially ended so news will be slower until we get into mid April when…
Well equity markets are ripping higher to start the week–apparently the belief is now the tariffs to be imposed on April 2nd are thought to be less onerous than originally believed–unfortunately it will take just a tweet to turn this around and send…
Are you ready for another week with big moves in equity markets? I am pretty darned certain we are going to see some big moves, which make me nervous, but there is nothing I can do about it—not going to sell, but probably will be doing a little buyin…
Yesterday was a tremendously busy day for me–lots of windshield time and I had little time to watch the markets (except on my iPhone), but I did squeeze in a little time to execute a nibble. Being old–I always forget the potential good buys that are…
Below are press releases from companies with preferred stock and baby bonds outstanding. Additionally, news of a more macro economic importance may be posted. Earnings season has essentially ended so news will be slower until we get into mid April when…
Below are press releases from companies with preferred stock and baby bonds outstanding. Additionally, news of a more macro economic importance may be posted. Earnings season has essentially ended so news will be slower until we get into mid April when…
It is a rare day that I turn the TV on during the day—but today is an exception as I do have an interest in what Jay Powell will have to say at 1:30 (central). I am pretty certain there will be no change in interest rates now—but I am not sure what…
Of course what I am really asking is are you ready for more volatility? If your portfolio isn’t positioned how you want it now you may be kind of late to starting arranging your holdings. On a day like today all one can reasonably do is sit back and wa…