A number of folks–ourselves included, caught a filing with the SEC from Global Ship Lease (GSL) that corrected an old error in a prospectus. mbg and 2whiteroses caught and noted the filing.
The company had sold a new 8% baby bond (GSLD) on 11/14/2019 and the preliminary prospectus stated that the ‘record date’ required to receive the interest payment was the 15th of January, April, July and October, with the interest payment date the last day of February, May, August and November.
I remember numerous folks pointing out in January, when the share price dropped that it seemed strange to have an ex-date 6 weeks before payment date. In fact brokers had the date posted as 1/14/2020 for the ex-date which in hindsight we know was incorrect.
The company correction is here.
We have corrected our data showing the correct ex dates.
Only goes to show that folks catch details–many here had questioned the ex-date at the time.