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Athene 6.375% Fixed-Rate Reset Perpetual Non-Cumulative Preference Shares, Series C

Merged with Apollo Global Management 1/3/2022

The coupon will be fixed until 9/30/2025 at 6.375% after which point the rate will be reset at a rate of the 5 year treasury plus a spread of 5.97%–reset every 5 years.

Argo Group 7.00% Resettable Fixed Rate Preference Shares

Argo Limited was acquired by Brookfield Reinsurance on 11/16/2023

Coupon will be fixed at 7% until 8/15/2025 after which the coupon will reset at the rate of the 5 year treasury plus a spread of 6.721%. To be reset every 5 years thereafter

Heartland Financial USA Inc. 7.00% Fixed-Rate Reset Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series E

Coupon is fixed at 7% until 7/14/2025. On 7/15/2025 the rate will be the 5 year treasury and a spread of 6.675% which is reset every 5 years.

American Equity Investment Life Holding Company 6.625% Fixed-Rate Reset Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series B

The coupon will be fixed until 9 /1/2025 at 6.625% after which point the rate will be reset at the 5 year treasury plus a spread of 6.297% and there after reset every 5 years

Wintrust Financial Corporation 6.875% Fixed-Rate Reset Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series E

Coupon will be fixed until 7/15/2025 after which it will be reset at the 5 year treasury plus a spread of 6.507%. Every 5 years there after the coupon will reset at the 5 year treasury rate plus the spread

May only be redeemed on a dividend payment date