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Lument Finance Trust Inc. 7.875% Series A Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock

Ready Capital Corporation 5.75% Senior Notes due 2026

Sachem Capital Corp 7.75% Notes due 9/30/2025

This issue was reopened on 10/20/2020 and another 560.000 shares were sold

Nexpoint Real Estate Finance 8.50% Series A Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock

This issue was sold at $24/share

MFA Finanical 6.50% Series C Fixed-to-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock

Dividend suspended 3/2020 because of asset damage caused by Covid 19. 7/1/2020 The preferred stock was reinstated.

Coupon is fixed at 6.50% until 3/31/2025 after which it will float at 3 month Libor plus a spread of 5.345%