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Gladstone Land 6.00% Series C Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock

Shares outstanding sold as of 9/30/2023 – 10,156,509

Gladstone Land Corporation 5% Series D Cumulative Term Preferred Stock

Gladstone Land Corp 6% Series B Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock

These shares were sold in a continuous offering by Gladstone Land by Gladstone Securities starting in 1/2018. By 3/9/2020 the offering was complete with 5,972,482 shares sold. Listing was then secured under ticker LANDO with trading commencing 10/19/2020. 1st call date is 6/1/2022 per the prospectus–which states the LATER of 6/1/2022 or 1 year after completion of the offering.

Gladstone Land Corp., 6.375% Series A Cumulative Term Preferred Stock