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JPMorgan Chase & Co., 6.10% Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock Series AA

Only redeemable on a dividend payment date

First Horizon National., 6.625% Series B Fixed to Floating Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock

IberiaBank merged with First Horizon National on 7/1/2020 with First Horizon National surviving. New shares of First Horizon Preferred have been exchanged for the old IberiaBank preferred–all terms remain the same.

Coupon is fixed at a rate of 6.625% until 8/1/2025 after which it will float at a rate of 3 month Libor plus a spread of 4.262%

THIS ISSUE PAYS ONLY 2 DIVIDEND PAYMENTS PER YEAR ON 2/1 AND 8/1. When the floating rate period (8/1/2025) begins the company will pay quarterly dividends.