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Ready Capital Announces New Baby Bond Offering

mREIT Ready Capital (RC) has announced a new offering of $25/share senior notes with a maturity in 2029.

The shares will be listed on the NYSE under ticker RCD. The issue should price later today and it will be a week or two until any listing occurs.

The company has numerous baby bonds and perpetual preferreds outstanding which can be seen here.

The preliminary prospectus can be found here.

J noted this new issue in the alerts section minutes ago.

6 thoughts on “Ready Capital Announces New Baby Bond Offering”

  1. On this week’s Weekly Kickoff chart, mREITs have done very well. OTOH, RC is scraping bottom. I will pass on RCD.

    1. There has been a lot of questionable offerings over the last six months. Perhaps questionable is the wrong word but I just do not have it in me to pay attention to all of these companies I know little about to stretch for a bit more yield. With quite a few just being interest payments and not even QDI. One or two of the more recognizable names I took a small bite of but using RC as an example.. no thanks. I think I owned some ANH-* bought back during the covid crash and was thankful it was called. Washed my hands of this situation. Never looked back.

      I still keep waiting for something of quality to really lay into when it comes to new issues.

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