Income Security Finder

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Parent Ticker:

The results from this filter will produce a list of all securities issued by the parent issuer. This includes preferred stocks as well as baby bonds.



Lehman ABS Corp Bkd Trust Certs 2001-31, 7.75% Toys R Us


Toys R Us filed for Bankruptcy and Securities are No Longer Trading as of 10/2017


XOMA Corporation 8.375% Series B Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock


Redemption on 4/15/2022 is at a premium of $1/shares–making redemption $26 plus accrued dividends.On and after 4/15/2023 redemption is at $25,75 plus accrued dividends. On and after 4/15/2024 redemption is at $25.50 plus accrued dividends. On and afte … Continue reading “XOMA Corporation 8.375% Series B Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock”


Xoma Corporation 8.625% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock


Redemption on 12/15/2021 is at a premium of $1/shares–making redemption $26 plus accrued dividends.On and after 12/15/2022 redemption is at $25,75 plus accrued dividends. On and after 12/15/2023 redemption is at $25.50 plus accrued dividends. On and a … Continue reading “Xoma Corporation 8.625% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock”


Youngevity International Inc. 9.75% Series D Cumulative Redeemable Perpetual Preferred Stock


Neither common shares or preferred shares any longer trade and SEC has revoked their registration as of 12/2023. YGYI Symbol Info by TradingView


Zions Bancorporation, 5.75% Fixed Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock Series H

Redeemed on 06/15/2021

zion Symbol Info by TradingView


Zions Bancorporation, 6.95% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Subordinated Notes due 2028

Redeemed on 12/16/2024

Coupon is fixed at 6.95% Until 9/15/2023 and will begin to float after that date at a rate of 3 month Libor plus a spread of 3.89%. Ticker changed from ZBK to ZIONL Zion Symbol Info by TradingView


Zions Bancorporation, 6.30% Fixed-to-Floating Non-cumulative Pfd Stock, Series G

Redeemed on 12/16/2024

Coupon will be fixed at 6.30% until 3/15/2023 and then will float at a rate of 3 month Libor plus 4.24%. Ticker changed from ZB-G to ZIONO 7/1/2023 Now trading with 3 month SOFR plus .2616% Replacing LIBOR zion Symbol Info by TradingView


Zions Bancorporation, 4% Floating Rate Series A Non-cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock


Coupon will float at 3 month Libor plus .52% or a minimum of 4% Ticker changed from ZB-A to ZIONP 7/1/2023 Now trading with 3 month SOFR plus .2616% Replacing LIBOR zion Symbol Info by TradingView

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