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Bought This Term Preferred

Yesterday I was a buyer, as I had mentioned I would be, of the Priority Income Fund 7% term preferred (PRIF-D) at a price of $23.65. The issue currently has a yield of 7.4% which meets my ‘hurdle’ of 7%. This is the second Priority Income Fund issue in the portfolio–I also own the PRIF-H 6% term preferred issue (PRIF-H) . I made the change to capture a higher current yield and yield to maturity. This continues my slow shift into higher yielding issues–from CDs, Treasuries and money markets.

Well equities are trading very quietly this morning–apparently because we are on ‘Nvidia Watch’. The company reports earnings tonight–I really hate that markets trade simply on the performance of 1 company. I even hate that markets trade on the performance of 7 companies (tech), but this is the way markets move and it has certainly been highly profitable–you live by the sword and you die by the sword and the opposite will happen at some point in time.

The 10 year treasury continues in a narrow range with the yield at 3.81%–this will continue until we see some more economic news with the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) on Friday. This number is incredibly important and will no doubt move markets.

24 thoughts on “Bought This Term Preferred”

    1. losingtrader—I doubt they have any–they own CLOs and I am not aware of any CLOs that do PIK. Prospect is a BDC which is a totally different animal than a CEF CLO owner. Will do some checking this weekend.

      1. Tim & Others

        Sorry if late to the party.

        From the Priority income prospectus on page 13.

        “We are managed by Priority Senior Secured Income Management, LLC, a private
        investment firm that is registered as an investment adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission and is an affiliate of
        ours. Priority Senior Secured Income Management, LLC oversees the management of our activities and is responsible for
        making investment decisions for our portfolio.”

        Here is a link to see the SEC Investment Advisor registry.


        Okay, there are two portfolio managers bio on the Priority Income page that say…..drum roll PROSPECT CAPITAL…aaahahahaahhhaahahah


    1. Thanks for the article Maine–I hadn’t seen it, but maybe someone had posted it. PSEC is apparently getting 1/3rd of their income from PIK–giant warning sign. If I saw a CLO owner get PIK income I would be surprised–but maybe I will get surprised.

  1. I own some PRIF’s more shares than I am comfortable with after I doubled down at a lower price due to the high YTM. Good purchase if they stay alive long enough to redeem. I didn’t see major red flags other than the low prices investors were demanding a year or two ago.

    1. Martin–everyone has been down on them because they are managed by Prospect Capital-BUT try as I might I don’t find issues with their portfolio or performance. They have been around since 2014 so they have some track record to bank on. Short of out and fraud I don’t see issues.

      My allocation to both issues is modest–so am comfortable holding them is a falling rate environment.

  2. I dipped my toe into this one too. Unusual for me to purchase preferred without the common paying a dividend but did. Fidelity notes it is an illiquid security fwiw. But for small holding, fat dividend and ?decent company seems ok. I also need more diversification. Actually have looked at it before but finally pulled trigger. Individual bond offerings now definitely less appealing, the niche preferreds offer definitely as result more appealing imo.

      1. You certainly seem correct. I had checked buyupside.com and they offered per cut and paste as follows.
        free stock market info
        Home Calculators Portfolios
        Dividend Chart and Dividend Growth Chart
        No dividends were found for prif.

        Dividend Chart Input Form

        Now checked too Morningstar and they also offer different info. of dividends but only since 2023. https://www.morningstar.com/stocks/grey/prif/dividends

      2. On their site, they state their stock pays $1.34/yr -BUT it is not publicly traded–the 2014 offering lasted up to 18 mo.
        I do recall that when I bought my Prif issues.

        They also mention PRIS as the company? Nothing there. They were also trading PRIF Sitra until recently when it merged.
        Oddly they state that the average investment is 1+B, but their total investments/loans = $93.3B & “exposure to 2034 senior secured loans to over 1,400 companies through approximately 255 CLO positions”

        Not able to see the real ratio of debt to equity CLO positions.

        1. Hi Gary–correct it is not publicly traded–that has been true since day 1. It is an interval fund so they tender for shares monthly I believe. I use their filed semi-annual report for my data—$968 million in assets and $292 in liabilities (which is virtually all term preferred issues carried onb the balance sheet as debt because of the mandatory redemption).


  3. i bought RITM-D as a place to stash cash for a couple years.
    7.4% current yield will float in now 2026 at 6.22 over 5 year treasuries but i expect it to be called then.

    1. Not quite priced for a call but getting closer than it was. They’re not calling A and B now so it’s hard to predict what will happen. Either result could be a reasonable outcome.

    1. CW–correct—had to use a good til cancelled limit order–took all day to get a fill.

      1. I’ve never found low volume to be a reason to slide past an investment opportunity. I look at is a feature, not a bug. I’d say most of my net worth has been the result of investments in low volume entities. To each his own.

        1. Couldn’t agree more PP! It’s amazing how frequently you can find opportunities in the places that others aren’t looking.

      1. PRIF-H is due in 2026 which I consider short term, PRIF-D is 2029 a little farther out on what I would consider the short term scale. My Fido nanny is telling me I have too much in one IRA of short term holdings.

        1. Charles M……. Other than having to look for reinvestment opportunities periodically I like short holdings as they stay around par pretty good due to the upcoming redemption. What I don’t know like is to buy something of longer duration and then see it drop down due to interest rate dropping etc. Then I am stuck with it. Personally I see nothing wrong with holding a lot of short term and don’t see the logic your Fido nanny follows. Maybe my outlook will change as I age and lose interest in the wheeling and dealing involved. Right now it keeps my mind active!

  4. The power of NVDA is nuts… I am short some very deep in the money puts. It’s annoying the Mag 7 and then this company in general wields so much influence but at least we are fortunate enough to realize it. I have been watching economist and futures traders talk and some aren’t even mentioning this 5 pm earnings and only focus on what is listed on trading economics.

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