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5 thoughts on “An Old Morgan Stanley Pricing Page”

  1. Jimmy,

    Q has call protection. And possibly more upside. F has nothing but coupon.

  2. For some reason this one has gotten away from probably most of us. I wanted to buy some but refuse to pay the current price of $26.67.

  3. One month later, I’ve forgotten about loading up on that! Seeing that Ms is considered TBTF those both look OK. Sell the Q and buy the P? Lol maybe for trading positions…

    They also have F, E, I, K… I think, are all past call dates. While little upside besides coupon, downside may be very limited. It seems nobody is cautious right now. I sense we may have an incident in near future that could refocus our attention on credit risk!

      1. Hmmm m……. Well seeing Q has rallied from 25.5 in three weeks, that is, a really good trade Jimmy

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