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10 thoughts on “NewtekOne Prices Baby Bonds”

  1. Barry Sloane talking his book, but the common isn’t listening.


    FYI, NEWTH is trading $25.05/$25.15 — size on both sides.

  2. Anybody notice how poorly the common stock is acting? Did Barry Sloane make too many alternative loans? I sold my NEWTG right before it went ex, but the NEWTH I bought at issue price settles Monday.

    1. I thought this was a buy and have 500 sh at 25.02 ; it’s mispriced compared to the NEWTI ; but the price has not gone up as I anticipated ,yet .

      1. What makes you say NEWTG is misspriced compared to NEWTI as opposed to NEWTI being misspriced compared to NEWTG (and now NEWTH as well?) imho it’s I that’s worth acting on if you own it…

        1. Since NEWTG divvy matches the new one closely I would say NEWTI is mispriced low. Unless there is some clause I don’t know about. If NEWTH opens at par.

          1. NEWTI is 8% and it’s trading higher price than NEWTG 8.50% due 9 months later…. Please explain what I’m missing……..

          2. I swapped my I’s for G’s yesterday. No brainer in my opinion. 2 more years of call protection….getting 8.5% until 2027 at a minimum.

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