As most of you have no doubt noticed by now I am doing some work on the website menus right now—nothing final, but trying out some options and seeing if they are beneficial.
The reason I have been working on menus is because many time I have read comments such as ‘thanks for the link–never knew that spreadsheet existed’. The current drop downs are not really visible.
After I decide something on menus I will be putting more efforts on the ‘search’ performance–we need more accuracy and understandability from that tool.
Tim, Really appreciate this site. Also want to give a shout out to Quantum Online. The old school saying “KISS” doesn’t refer to a heavy metal rock band.
The newest and best web sites draw people in with all the glitter and flashing lights of the Las Vegas strip.
I broke down and just signed up for a subscription with one of the analysts on SA. I’m going to try giving it a go, but it’s a little overwhelming with all the information on their site. Feel like I’m drowning.
I got more insight on the posting of one tidbit of information that CSWC covered their regular dividend with income, investments were down but so were their problem loans. The one area of concern at least to me and it seems the host is CSWC uses their ATM to issue more common shares at prem. to nav. and without the new money their results would be mediocre.
For newbies reading here, compare this to oil companies needing to keep drilling and fracking new wells just to maintain production. They have to keep running in place not to fall off the treadmill.
Again Tim, love this site, easy for me at least to navigate and not overwhelming. Alerts the readers share are great and so is the information.
Thanks Tim, really appreciate this site.
For those who haven’t donated recently, please consider buying Tim a coffee (or a steak dinner) for his efforts.
Thank you, Tim.
Please don’t forget us “learners”. Appreciate all of your efforts.
Thank you for your efforts.