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The Party Continues For Now

The party in the various markets are continuing for now with the S&P500 up near 1% and the 10 year treasury yield off a few basis points at 4.57%.

Our portfolios are showing some decent gains on the day considering the large allocation to CDs and money market funds.

Personally I feel a need to see get a ‘feel’ for what the new administration is bringing to the party. It is so difficult for all of us to get around the ‘no politics’ comments right now–so I will just say that I need to see some info on tariffs etc before I can even consider buying into any perpetual issues—these markets are very susceptible to either a melt up–or melt down right now. So many unknowns.

So of course, very boringly, I am sticking to short duration issues. Of course this is a sector with limited offerings. Either term preferreds or baby bonds with maturities of 5 years or less. While it is boring playing the waiting game I would rather miss a few percent of gains than pile into perpetuals and have politics do a ‘rug pull’ on me.

4 thoughts on “The Party Continues For Now”

  1. BIPI – Is Perpetual sub Note , Indicated as having maturity in 2027 in Baby bonds list

    1. apologies for nitpicking but It looks like BIPI becomes callable in 2027, but as a perpetual, it doesn’t seem to have a maturity.

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