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Cedar Realty Trust, 7.25% Series B Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock

Issue has been partially called and 400,000 remain outstanding

Cedar Realty merged with Wheeler Real Estate Trust on 7/22/2022 and there are no common shares outstanding of Cedar. Below is the common share data for Wheeler and at the bottom are Wheeler financials. The 2 preferred issues continue to trade

CBL & Associates Properties, 7.375% Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock D

12/1/2019 Dividends on this issue have been suspended

Filed Chapter 11, 11/02/2020

CBL & Associates Properties, 6.625% Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock E

12/1/2019 Dividends on this issue have been suspended

Filed Chapter 11, 11/02/2020