Below are press releases from company’s with preferred stock and/or baby bonds outstanding–or just news of general interest. News will be rather slow until the the end of the quarter and start of earnings season in the next couple weeks.

Liberty Broadband Corporation Announces Third Quarter Earnings Release and Conference Call

Qurate Retail, Inc. Announces Third Quarter Earnings Release and Conference Call
Babcock & Wilcox Reaches Agreement to Sell its Italian and Swedish Businesses

SuRo Capital Corp. Third Quarter 2024 Preliminary Investment Portfolio Update

Redfin Reports Pending Home Sales Post Biggest Increase Since 2021edfin Reports Pending Home Sales Post Biggest Increase Since 2021
Does anyone know what the return is on an average Bond fund? I mean all I hear about is how Bonds suck. Stay away from them is what I hear. Why? Are they no more a good compliment to stocks?
I mostly stayed very light on bonds for years. That has changed.
I own a fair number of individual bonds (agencies, some corporates) and a variety of treasuries.
I know I am not the best at this, but for better or worse, I tend to stay away from bond funds. I think they tend to overreact to major negative market events (panic among fund holders) and they often hold bonds I wouldn’t buy personally. I feel the same way about preferred funds.
I am much more comfortable owning individual bonds where I can just hold until maturity (or recovery) if things go south in the markets – rather than getting hammered in a fund where the managers are forced to sell when panicky investors bail out.
As this market gets “frothier”, I am thinking more and more about trying to own things than can “weather the storm” of a big market correction. I will probably miss some good opportunities, but I will (hopefully) sleep better….
That said, there are a lot of folks on this board who are dramatically better than at bond investing than I am – so hopefully we can get some better input from folks who actually know what they are doing.