Below are press releases from company’s with preferred stock and/or baby bonds outstanding–or just news of general interest. News will be rather slow until the the end of the quarter and start of earnings season in early October.
Brookfield Business Partners to Host Third Quarter 2024 Results Conference Call
CTO Realty Growth Provides 2024 Business Update
Bank OZK Announces Date for Third Quarter 2024 Earnings Release and Conference Call

Pebblebrook Hotel Trust Provides Update on Impact of Hurricane Helene

AXIS Capital to Release Third Quarter Financial Results on October 30, 2024

Citizens Financial Group Announces Third Quarter 2024 Earnings Conference Call Details

W. R. Berkley Corporation to Announce Third Quarter 2024 Earnings on October 21, 2024

SITE Centers Provides Transaction and Curbline Balance Sheet Update

What in the world is Rivernorth Capital and Income doing to itself? Are they trying to get Mr. Market to not trust anything they say? It was weird to begin with for them to announce a call on this issue for a date 27 days before “maturity” and now they announce, “Ooops, we’ve changed our minds and we will just let them run to “maturity.” So remember, next time we announce something, we may not do it. Pay no attention to what we say.” What a way to build investor trust……. and yes, I realize they originally said it was provisional call, but really, what a dumb way to handle what financially couldn’t have made much difference to the company.
Here we go 3rd q time. Wow CTO doing a lot of ATM common share issuing, getting 9%+ on new investments and taking an 11% 1st 2yr mortgage out on some adjacent unused land, they are ‘busy.’ Have some of the pfd.
Well according to Avi Gilburt the end (financially, Great-er) depression is near, ‘cash’ only and not Treasuries?? gold is crap, probable ‘multiple waves down’ event, most banks toast. I don’t know seems a little gloomy to me but anymore I think we have all seen it all so nothing is out of the realm maybe. Guess I should be a survivalist and buy boxes of Tuna, Soup, non perishables, et al. And ‘comments are screened’ and no replies other than subscribe to our service or bank newsletter. OMG. Is he ‘dating’ Harry Dent?? sigh.
I have pulled in risk and ‘cash’ ( which is trash???even in my USGovt Fido sweep??!!) is about 51% again. Lots of good preferreds. Or are they. Bea
With 2 new kittens I have plenty of canned cat food and a friend gave me 2 cases of MRE’s that the county emergency preparedness organisation was throwing out as the code date had expired. I have plenty of 5 gallon water jugs I use for the water dispenser besides a well and a generator. What do I need gold for? Remind me again, How does it taste?
Some of those cat foods sound like fancy pate. Turkey or duck with veggies. I’ll have to have a party and serve it on crackers.
I guess his missives are a little extreme to me Charles, although he claims it will be in waves down but worse than the 30’s. Things happen so fast anymore tho. Thinking of getting a cat again but afraid tho it mom will trip over it they get underfoot. I do rotate the post covid time pantry as well w lots of stuff we never know do we. I think most of us here will be ok w our group looking out for each other and with our overall conservative bent to our holdings.
That site has gone to ‘pot’ maybe they are all smokin it. The home page is every ticker you can imagine news/articles buried even when you try to narrow it down to what you ‘want’….oh well. Good luck, pet the kittens for me!! I am thinking of a little WTFCP again goes xd but maybe at 25 w the 6.75% 5yT float ‘protection’ in the RothIRA it will be ok. Unless that is on the doomed bank list!! crazy. Bea
On a grander scale I have no idea what will happen in the future.
Avi seems to think he knows. With the advent of the Internet and all the information from the world wide net seems like things happen a lot faster than ever before. But even the Covid crash seemed like it was spread out over one month or several months.
I get a feeling of uncertainty but until Russia drops a nuclear device on Ukraine like they have been threatening to do, or China sets up a missile installation in Cuba I don’t see the end of the world scenario he’s talking about. The siblings are so cute I didn’t have the heart to separate them. But babies are babies wether they are bald or furry and I forgot how much time it takes to feed them, clean up the poo, and watch they don’t get into something and make a mess I have to clean up. Good thing the wife loves them too. Know what they say, having youngsters around keeps you young too.